Embrace The Suck

It’s what will forge you into something great.

Matthew Davis
5 min readSep 17, 2021
Ryan McQuire — Pixabay

Well gosh darn, it is already September 17th which is unreal. Time is flying, and I love it. I am in digital marketing Bootcamp, and things are going well.

I have some homework to work on, and I’m going to pick up my daughter from school at 3 pm. It’s the first time I’ve seen her in three weeks. I’m happy about it.

It looks like I am going to pause Beach Authority until I finish school. I’m just not finding the motivation for it to be worth the time at this point.

I am better off completing my schoolwork without distractions and possibly using my knowledge later to market the store once I have further established my expertise.

This may sound like a loss, but I can assure you it’s not the worst thing ever. Starting your first side-hustle or business and not having it blast off to the moon as you had hoped is fairly normal.

So toughen up, buttercup.

The site was a fun project to work on for my first “business”. I’m not abandoning it, and I’m just placing it on the back-burner for a few months.

Life is Not Always Linear

Time always moves forward, but sometimes we don’t quite move at the pace we desire in life. We feel slow, unmotivated, and beat down by the world. I feel you.

It’s a challenge to stay changing, advancing, and evolving with the world and technology. Borderline exhausting at times. But doing so is necessary for us to grow and advance into who we’re meant to become.

Whatever that is for us, the life that we dream about will not come our way without some struggle first. You can’t sit around watching Netflix and eating Ben & Jerry’s ice cream all day. I really wish that was the case. But it’s not.

The universe wants to see you challenged and possibly even struggling and desperate before good things come your way. The universe wants to see you put yourself out there to be molded and sharpened by the hard, brutal, real world.

My sister is in a situation where she just had to get rid of her car because she was in an accident. Her insurance said it wasn’t even valuable enough to replace.

She was an Uber Eats Driver who relied on her car for income. So now she has no car and no job and needs to figure out a way to live and pay her $1400 rent bill.

She’s 24. That shit sucks.

Maybe big bro will help you out soon. But only after you’ve made every last attempt to help yourself first.

Sometimes Sh*t just Sucks — Embrace It

I’ve been there. When I had my first apartment I was working in the Publix Deli. I had been grinding for three years trying to get into a management position, and I had an infuriating boss that drove me to eventually quit when I had bills due and no backup source of income.

That shit sucked. Luckily for me, I found a new job rather quickly selling life insurance but still had to grind for months again to catch back up again.

These days, my situation is the complete opposite of my younger sister's. I have my shit together, at least mostly.

The plan is to complete this online certification program to level up my skills and, hopefully, my career. This is due in part to an incredible friend assisting me while I get back on my feet from all of the stuff I’ve been through the last few years.

I’m blessed and realize most people don’t get these kinds of opportunities. Shoot, my friend was helping me out before my parents were gonna do anything about it, and they live one mile down the road from me.

That’s a brother right there, folks.

Of course, I’m not bashing my parents because, well — they’ve helped me a lot. My parents are great people, and some of the best, actually.

I told my sister that sometimes we all have to struggle on our own and help ourselves before we receive help elsewhere.

Not everything good that will happen to us in our life will happen all at once.

You should expect to struggle when you’re first getting out there, or even if you’re already a full-grown adult.

It’s not always easy.

Most single Americas can’t even afford a 2 bedroom apartment on their own. Again, it’s hard. Look around you. How many people do you know that life by themself? Probably very few. Family members, random roommates, and old college buddies don’t properly clean up after themselves.

Who wants all that? Usually nobody.

Unfortunately, a lot of people don’t have a choice these days.

Keep Your Head UP

God is blessing me right now because of the struggle I went through a few years ago with another person. I was thinking yesterday, “Wow, that was a pretty bad situation, but now I see why you put me through that….”

It was to get here. To this moment. Right now. With you. So that I can tell you the things that I am.

Be humble. Work hard. Life will suck sometimes.

But right when you’re on the brink of giving up, someone or something will come along and make you forget about the misery and pain that you once felt.

You’ll actually happy that you went through all of the shit that you did. Without it you would not be able to appreciate what you have NOW.

That is the beauty of life. The pain and struggle we experience are actually signs that bliss and euphoria may be on the horizon.

So keep going. Support is on the way. But only if your looking up.

Life is meant to be good. But good isn’t necessarily going to come and find you if you’re looking in the wrong direction. Stay focused on what you do have and be thankful for those things.

If you’re reading this chances are that someone may have it a lot worse than you do. Which if you can’t think of anything to be thankful for — start with that.




Matthew Davis

Hey there! 👋🏼 I write about life, relationships, technology & entrepreneurship • 29